Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bloom where you are planted

There are moments in our lives when we have a great epiphany where it feels like God himself has blessed you with bit of wisdom on a circumstance. If you are lucky then even as years pass, that same wisdom keeps popping up from time to time. Nearly three years ago, God granted me one little piece of wisdom. At the time I was an 18 year old freshman who was living away from home for the first time in my life. I heard a sermon preached by Dr. Richards and I all of sudden, I had a peace about my circumstance. Even though I had issues adjusting to college, I knew I could not give up. Now I am 21, married and been living 500miles away for over a year. Yet, I find myself in a very similar circumstance. I will admit, Nathan and I haven't had the easiest of times getting to know people, I still sorely miss my friends from my senior year of high school, and I am not adjusting to my new job as well as I would have liked. Yet, in the times when I wonder why God put us where He has and I think about those negative thoughts, I remember the epiphany of a very scared 18year old who ended up blooming where she was planted. Baptist College of Florida changed me and gave me the chance to meet this amazing guy I now get to called Husband. Now, once more I have a chance to bloom where I am planted and I know God has me right where I need to be.

Family update: I started a new job as a part time teller for a bank and Nathan has a few job leads so hopefully we will know something soon! And 15 days until the new semester. Oh we  are in for so much fun!!!

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